Progressive Veterinary Doctors’ Association (PVDA) is a leading organization in the State of West Bengal. It has significant contribution towards the interest of our members vis-à-vis the community by creating and promoting opportunities of the marginalized farmers in animal husbandry sector and improving their quality of livelihoods and ultimately accelerating the pace of economic growth of our country. PVDA represents a pool of high caliber human resources comprising Veterinary Doctors, Administrator, Scientists, Teachers, professional experts at different levels. The challenges in the field of Veterinary profession are taken care of by the dynamic utilization of its human resources (Members). The secret of creating a leading organization lies in the appreciation of the potential value of this human capital and in the ability of the distributed leadership within the organization to nurture and mobilize such talent. |
Function of the General Body:
- Being the highest body, the General Body shall determine the policy, agenda, and course of action of the Association and approve fiscal budget submitted by the Central Executive Committee.
- The General Body shall nominate chartered accountants for annual audit of the accounts of the Association.
- The General Body shall approve the report and audited accounts statements of the previous year to be submitted by the Central Executive Committee.
- The General Body shall decide appeals filed by the members and settle matters referred by the Central Executive Committees.
- The General Body shall be the only amendment-making forum in the Constitution.
Function of the Central Executive committee:
- To execute the General Body meeting resolutions.
- To sanction and pass the expenditure of the accounts of the previous year.
- To take action for fulfillment of the association objectives.
- To frame the inclusion and amendments of the regulations of the association as when required which passed in the Annual General Meeting.
- To make arrangement for holding the Annual General Meeting.
- To make arrangement for holding the State Conference in biennial manner.
- To deposit requisite papers for renewal of the registration of the association
- To prepare annual reports of the Association.
- To form sub committees, if required.
- To collect the subscription/donation through district secretary or directly.
- To keep liaison with the other professional organization.
- Central Executive Committee is the highest policy making body of the Association.
- To admit, refuse or readmit members.
Function of the Working Committee:
The Working Committee shall be responsible to assist CEC for formation of plan, policy on different issues of the organization. The other functions of the Working Committee are as follows:
- Working committee shall be responsible for Internal Audit of the Accounts of the Central Executive Committee twice in a year.
- Working Committee will screen the district committee recommended application for new membership and forward the same for consideration to the Central Executive Committee.
- Working Committee will provide necessary advice and guidance to the Central Executive Committee for proper functioning of the Association.
Function of the District Committee:
District Committee will perform its activity within the district under guidance of Central Executive Committee. The District Committee shall organize activities in the district level in any manner as they think fit with intimation to the General Secretary. Each district shall submit the full amount of membership subscription and donation to the Treasurer of the Central Executive Committee. Local fund may be raised if necessary to the meet up the district expenditure. All the expenditure, collection etc. shall be audited annually.